Who inspired this initiative?
We’d love to tell you…

In late 2019, our mom, grandma, teacher, friend — Pam Fliegel — was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Many times, being able to put a name to the things we’re experiencing is helpful, so identifying this disease is a big first step. Though without treatment, Parkinson’s can take its toll on the mind—literally and figuratively. Pam sought treatment and to no one’s surprise took extra steps to fight the mental battle; she educated herself and others about the disorder, advocated for Parkinson’s Foundation events, and took matters even further into her own hands by joining a boxing club. There, she’s been able to fight back against Parkinson’s, and fight alongside others that are also affected by the disease. Her boxing partners have since discovered what we already knew to be true—that Pam is not just a fighter of fists, she’s one that uses her words, actions, hope, and kindness. That is why we want to provide our own opportunity for all of us to join in the fight and participate in a fun event that aims to inspire community and generosity.

Each member of our team has their own personal connection to Parkinson’s. We are all in this together.